Sundays at 4 PM

Apostles Anglican Church Charlotte


A church plant from The Anglican Diocese of the Carolinas of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) near the center of Charlotte that is seeking to be a community of beautiful orthodoxy so that the gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and embodied in the city of Charlotte.

We are named Apostles because the church from the beginning was devoted to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship (Acts 2:42). The apostles were the eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ upon whom the church is built, with Jesus himself being the Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). The Apostles were also doubters (Thomas) and deniers (Peter) with dubious pasts (Matthew) like you and me who were transformed by the risen Christ. This is our hope for the people of Charlotte.

Weekly Worship

Each Sunday at 4 PM

522 Moravian Lane
(meeting at Little Church on the Lane)

We are a gospel-centered, sacramental, and missional Anglican Church seeking to love God and neighbor in the heart of Charlotte. You don’t have to be an Anglican to worship with us. We are here for the curious, the skeptic, the bruised, the broken, the weary, the lonely, the hungry, and whomsoever will come.


Upcoming Events

  • Lent 101

    Sundays in Lent
    2:30-3:45 PM

    The Wohlford Chapel
    at Little Church on the Lane
    522 Moravian Lane

    Join the Apostles clergy this Lent as we contemplate the Way of Cross through our exploration of the traditional Lenten practices. This class will take place before Sunday service in the Chapel.


    March 9: What is Lent?

    March 16: Reading Scripture

    March 23: Fasting

    March 30: Prayer and the Book of Common Prayer

    April 6: Almsgiving and Generosity

  • Morning Prayer

    Every Friday
    7:00-7:30 AM
    The Wohlford Chapel

    During this 30-minute service from the Book of Common Prayer, we take up our office as a kingdom of priests with believers worldwide, worshiping God, hearing his holy Word, and interceding for the church and the world. 

  • Apostles 101

    Spring Membership Class
    Saturday, March 29,

    A conversation on the vision and values of Apostles. Co-taught by Matt Grimsley and Bree Snow. Coffee and light breakfast foods provided. New members will be received on Easter Sunday. To register, email

A special thank you to the kind and creative people at Silent Images.

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Sign up to receive the latest updates, especially if you are a local interested in being a part of our mission.


Read Our Prospectus

Why are we planting an Anglican church in Charlotte, NC? Read our Church Planting Prospectus to see the heart that drives our mission.


Pray With Us

We need a vast community to commit to pray for us and with us for the work of the church in Charlotte and beyond.

Fill Out the Connection Card

Ready to take the next step? Click the button below to get more deeply connected to our life together (i.e. fellowship groups) and mission (i.e. ministry teams).


“It is surely a fact of inexhaustible significance that what our Lord left behind him was not a book, nor a creed, nor a system of thought, nor a rule of life, but a visible community… He committed the entire work of salvation to that community.”

— Lesslie Newbigin


If you have any questions, send us a message by filling out this form, and we would be glad to follow up with you.